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pet of the month boca and tesla

April Pet of the Month

My sister Trisha rescued Boca when he was less than a week old. He’s the one with the white on his chest in the photos. We bottled fed him until he could eat solid food and I can’t believe he just turned 15!! Despite a birth defect called cerebellar hypoplasia that makes him lose his balance, Boca is a happy, purring, affectionate sweet prince. He waits by the door in his sun-drenched cat bed for me to come home at night and follows me everywhere, no matter how many times I go back and forth from one end of the house to the other.

Two years ago, we welcomed Tess to our family. A rescue from PAWS, this spunky bobtail immediately made it her business to take care of Boca. She seldom leaves his side and can often be found giving him a bath or sharing a peanut butter treat. She loves to sit in your lap to watch a football game or distract you from the book you’re trying to read.

It’s such a blessing to have these adoring, cuddly kitties as part of my life. Please consider rescuing your next pet! Thank you Urban Tailz for making my babies Pet of the Month!

-Melissa T.

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