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March Pet of the Month: Zizi

pet of the month Zizi

March Pet of the Month

March Pet of the Month Zizi, nicknamed ‘Beefy’, is a 6 year old Eastern German Shepherd and she is an enigma. Occasionally mistaken for a wolf, especially when seen at a distance or emerging from the woods… she is anything but.

Zizi has the sweetest heart and temperament, complimented by a deep seated fear of very average things (wind that dares to blow at more than a breeze, plastic bags, toys accidentally hitting furniture, and cats…). Nothing makes her happier than a game of tug o war that will come close to dislocating your arm. Upon realizing her tugging is too rough, she will approach with ears back, tail wagging and an honest intent to be more gentle. Which she quickly forgets as soon as the thrill of the game starts again. The only thing she’s more interested in is playing with her two hooman siblings and chasing any shadow or light that taunts her on the wall. She loves the outdoors, snow above all else, biting at splashy water, and eating any food dropped on the ground; in a cruel twist of fate, she is allergic to practically every food and all grass. She is certain that Jo, her UT walker, is in fact her best friend. 

She is her family’s first baby and one of their great loves in this lifetime. She is weird. She is quirky. She is silly. She is sweet. She is possibly a cat trapped in a GSD body. Zizi is thankful for the honor of being ‘Miss March’ and will not wear this crown lightly…