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Pet of the Month

Pet of the Month. Urban Tailz has a monthly Pet of the Month post where we highlight our favorite dogs or cats each month.

close-up of dog with tongue out

April Pet of the Month: Milo

Milo is the most affectionate, goofy, friendly, smart and lovable 11 month Mini Bernedoodle who weighs in at a whopping 43 pounds (mostly fur) and loves to play and make friends with humans and doggos.

january pet of the month

January Pet of the Month: Harris

Adventure enthusiast Harris is our January Pet of the Month. He is a One Tail at a Time rescue from Alabama who still is a country boy at heart.

september pet of the month

September Pet of the Month: Otto

Congratulations to Otto on being Urban Tailz September Pet of the Month! Otto is a min-pin mix coming up on a big 11th birthday soon.