December Pet of the Month: Ace

December Pet of the Month
UT Note: We are so excited to have Ace as our December Pet of the Month! Ace has become an Adventure Dog Walk regular who started off very shy and afraid of the other dogs during his first few adventures. He has come completely out of his shell since those first days, and he loves his adventures with his UT friends so much. We couldn’t be prouder of him. Congratulations, Ace!
Ace is the absolute king in our household. Since the moment we got him from PAWS as a rescue from Oklahoma, he has been the most beloved guy in both our immediate and extended family. He has never met a stick he wouldn’t want to chew, a squirrel he would’t want to chase, or a couch he won’t climb on the moment you leave the room. He is cherished and adored by our kids and all of their cousins.
Although he is shy and timid with strangers, we know he ADORES his time on neighborhood walks with Willie J, and adventure walks with Carine and Jeff. Based on the amazing photos and descriptions we get on the app, we can see he is making friends and loving life while we are at work and school. We are so grateful that his Urban Tailz family loves him and cares for him as their own while we are away!
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